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Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I announce that I cease all development and activity in the programming universe indefinitely. My career has reached the turning point I was not expecting for at least another year, leaving me highly off guard and without laid-out plans for this hobby's continuity. I have begun a 5-year residency program in Neurosurgery which is clearly not compatible, time-wise, with programming.

I gave in all my passion for developing, and you gave me back your loyalty and trust, even when I did not deserve that much. Now it is the time for payback. I release all my present and past work as Open Source software, in the hope some talented developer will continue maintaining and expanding my vision of a modern, sleek forum software. The intrinsic flexibility of MyBB is the true hidden gem of an otherwise outdated codebase; I do hope the project can continue and be updated complying to the latest coding standards.

I hereby thank Euan, kawaii, andrewjs18, Ben, Matt, Omar G., effone, Eric J., Devilshakerz, Wildcard, JordanMussi and all the other team members I have had the opportunity to work with when I was a MyBB team member. I thank Tomm M, my mentor, who inspired me to pick up coding with his piece-of-art plugins. And finally, I thank all of you MyBBoost subscribers who have helped me getting through my toughest university years economically.

Yours sincerely, Filippo

Hovercards 1.3

25 Feb 2017 Edited

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Martinex, , lavaskins And 13 others like this post
Hugo 11 Jan 2020
Thanks! Works like a charm! The support here is amazing, thanks!
Shade 2 Apr 2020 Edited


This is a feature release.

SQUARED NEW cards can be now customized with JavaScript conditionals and code
SQUARED NEW ColorThief update from version 2.0 to 2.3
SQUARED NEW extended usage to any HTML element carrying the data-uid attribute. Hovercards edits the core and applies the data-uid attribute to a low-level and widely used function in MyBB, but you can now edit your templates and add the data-uid attribute to any element you want (images, divs, etc.). Make sure the attribute points to an actual uid!

Upgrading to version 1.2

KEYCAP 1 uninstall the old version. This will delete all customizations made in Hovercards templates and stylesheet, so make a backup before uninstalling!
KEYCAP 2 overwrite the old files with the new ones
KEYCAP 3 reinstall the plugin, and eventually reapply your custom edits
Shade 15 May 2020 Edited


This is a security release.

LOCK fixed a medium risk security vulnerability, kept unnoticed for years. Reported by @kbilly. To ensure a responsible disclosure, details will be given only via PM. All eligible users are highly advised to update the plugin as soon as possible.

Upgrading to version 1.3

KEYCAP 1 overwrite the old files with the new ones. No further action is required.
honger 31 Jul 2020
So in case anybody would like to make it work with DVZ Mentions (and I haven't seen any tutorial here how to do that), here's the fix: open
and change line 86 to:
'class="mycode_mention"', 'data-uid="' . $user['uid'] . '"',
Shade 31 Jul 2020
Thanks for your contribution.
Hellstorm 15 Aug 2020
Could I get a template from somewhere? Im trying to set it up but it looks so bad when I do it :(
Shade 15 Aug 2020
Theming is up to you unfortunately. But the standard one should be pretty slick. What’s the issue?