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Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I announce that I cease all development and activity in the programming universe indefinitely. My career has reached the turning point I was not expecting for at least another year, leaving me highly off guard and without laid-out plans for this hobby's continuity. I have begun a 5-year residency program in Neurosurgery which is clearly not compatible, time-wise, with programming.

I gave in all my passion for developing, and you gave me back your loyalty and trust, even when I did not deserve that much. Now it is the time for payback. I release all my present and past work as Open Source software, in the hope some talented developer will continue maintaining and expanding my vision of a modern, sleek forum software. The intrinsic flexibility of MyBB is the true hidden gem of an otherwise outdated codebase; I do hope the project can continue and be updated complying to the latest coding standards.

I hereby thank Euan, kawaii, andrewjs18, Ben, Matt, Omar G., effone, Eric J., Devilshakerz, Wildcard, JordanMussi and all the other team members I have had the opportunity to work with when I was a MyBB team member. I thank Tomm M, my mentor, who inspired me to pick up coding with his piece-of-art plugins. And finally, I thank all of you MyBBoost subscribers who have helped me getting through my toughest university years economically.

Yours sincerely, Filippo

Shorten MyBB big numbers to Facebook-like letters

21 Oct 2017 Edited
@andrewjs18 asked me: "is it possible to shorten threads and posts counters to something more readable by displaying a letter for big numbers, much like Facebook and other companies do?". Yes. Thanks to MyBB's customizability, it is possible. Unfortunately there are not hooks available to easily tweak in this little but handy functionality, so we will use Patches to sneak in our code. Before diving into the tutorial, make sure you have downloaded and installed Patches.

MyBB 1.6 and 1.8 are supported, although the search patterns for every patch has been taken from MyBB 1.8.12. You may need to use different search patterns for older versions of MyBB.

This tutorial will apply to every number displayed within the MyBB environment, it is not limited to post and thread counters.

The final result:

[Image: 1iP4Vth.png]

1. Add the converter function

Within your ACP, go to Plugins > Patches, add, save and apply a new patch with the following configuration:

File: inc/functions.php
Title: my_number_shorten
Search pattern
function my_number_format($number
Insert before
// Shortens a number and attaches K, M, B, etc. accordingly @
function my_number_shorten($number$precision 1$divisors null) {

// Setup default $divisors if not provided
if (!isset($divisors)) {
$divisors = array(
pow(10001) => 'k'// Thousand
pow(10002) => 'm'// Million
pow(10003) => 'b'// Billion
pow(10004) => 't'// Trillion

// Loop through each $divisor and find the
    // lowest amount that matches
foreach ($divisors as $divisor => $shorthand) {
        if (
abs($number) < ($divisor 1000)) {
// We found a match!

// We found our match, or there were no matches.
    // Either way, use the last defined value for $divisor.
return number_format($number $divisor$precision) . $shorthand;

2. Modify my_number_format

Time to alter the actual MyBB's custom number formatting function. Add, save and apply 2 new patches with the following configurations:

File: inc/functions.php
Title: my_number_format's edit 1
Search pattern
return number_format((double)$number$decimals$mybb->settings['decpoint'], $mybb->settings['thousandssep']); 
Insert before
if ($number 999) {

File: inc/functions.php
Title: my_number_format's edit 2
Search pattern
return number_format($number0$mybb->settings['decpoint'], $mybb->settings['thousandssep']); 
Insert before
if ($number 999) {

3. Enjoy!

All big numbers will be now converted to the corresponding shorthand version. You can edit the letter attached to thousands, millions, billions or trillions in the my_number_shorten() function. The crucial part is:

$divisors = array(
pow(10001) => 'k'// Thousand
pow(10002) => 'm'// Million
pow(10003) => 'b'// Billion
pow(10004) => 't'// Trillion
By default, lowercase letters are used but you can use whatever you want.
GeorgioGalben, Eldenroot, ZIZ And 3 others like this post
Theowner 16 Dec 2019
Nice work sir
You really post a wonderful tutorial

Is working fine for me, but it is not working for show thread view.

How can I make it work for the showthread, I will be happy if you can help me sir
By the way this is a wonderful tutorial
Shade 16 Dec 2019
As I told you on the community forums already, if variables are not sanitized with my_number_format this won't work. This is the case for {$thread['views']} in showthread. You either have to alter the core and add something like:

$thread['views'] = my_number_format($thread['views']); 
Before the showthread template is eval'd, or you use PHP in templates and format it directly in your showthread template:

<?php echo my_number_format($thread['views']) ?>
Theowner 16 Dec 2019
please enlighten me more sir
i can't understand your reply sir
Shade 16 Dec 2019
If you can't understand such simple instructions, desist or invest a couple of hours into learning PHP basis. It doesn't get any more simple than that I'm afraid.
Theowner 16 Dec 2019
Bro this is my forum
Am a friendly type sir, and Am From Nigeria.

if you check my forum, you will see that the view is the only problem am having.

the two codes you just post now, have tried it, rather it just stop my forum from showing
Shade 16 Dec 2019
I can't help further because I don't know how to make it simpler.