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Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I announce that I cease all development and activity in the programming universe indefinitely. My career has reached the turning point I was not expecting for at least another year, leaving me highly off guard and without laid-out plans for this hobby's continuity. I have begun a 5-year residency program in Neurosurgery which is clearly not compatible, time-wise, with programming.

I gave in all my passion for developing, and you gave me back your loyalty and trust, even when I did not deserve that much. Now it is the time for payback. I release all my present and past work as Open Source software, in the hope some talented developer will continue maintaining and expanding my vision of a modern, sleek forum software. The intrinsic flexibility of MyBB is the true hidden gem of an otherwise outdated codebase; I do hope the project can continue and be updated complying to the latest coding standards.

I hereby thank Euan, kawaii, andrewjs18, Ben, Matt, Omar G., effone, Eric J., Devilshakerz, Wildcard, JordanMussi and all the other team members I have had the opportunity to work with when I was a MyBB team member. I thank Tomm M, my mentor, who inspired me to pick up coding with his piece-of-art plugins. And finally, I thank all of you MyBBoost subscribers who have helped me getting through my toughest university years economically.

Yours sincerely, Filippo

Moderation Alerts Pack 4.0.2

7 Oct 2016 Edited
Moderation Alerts Pack is a pack of 25 extra alert types built for MyAlerts. It extends the plugin's default 5 alert types to cover a whopping 25 extra moderation actions, notifying your users if their threads and/or posts are moved, edited, (soft) deleted, restored, merged and much more.


Moderation Alerts Pack extends MyAlerts letting your users be notified when you:
  • issue a warning;
  • revoke a warning;
  • delete threads;
  • close threads;
  • open threads;
  • move threads;
  • approve threads;
  • unapprove threads;
  • soft delete threads;
  • restore threads;
  • stick threads;
  • unstick threads;
  • merge threads*;
  • edit a post;
  • delete posts permanently*;
  • soft delete posts*;
  • restore posts*;
  • suspend an user from posting;
  • moderate an user posting activity;
  • suspend an user's signature;
  • change an user's username;
  • change an user's signature;
  • accept a buddy request;
  • decline a buddy request;
  • remove an user from your buddylist.

Merging and splitting posts are yet to be implemented.

Minimum requirements

PHP 5.4
MyBB 1.8.0
MyAlerts 2.0.0
664 chmod permissions on inc/class_moderation.php and inc/datahandler/user.php

Moderation Alerts Pack edits the core. Every time you update your MyBB version, you will have to reinstall the plugin in order to reapply core edits and prevent errors.

PACKAGE Installation

KEYCAP 1 Click on the Install & activate button in your plugins list. Moderation Alerts Pack edits the core automatically.

Request a new alert type

You can request a new alert type which will be implemented into the next minor version of Moderation Alerts Pack by opening a new thread in this forum. Feedbacks and bug reports are also appreciated.
Filename Size Downloads
32.82 KB 179
phpkiller, MagnumPL, xienon And 4 others like this post
User 304 8 Oct 2016
Awesome! Just downloaded, thanks @Shade
Brenda 8 Oct 2016
Thank you very much Shade! :D
Hefty likes this post
Eldenroot 8 Oct 2016
Thank you!
PARADOXP and Hefty like this post
Tecca 9 Oct 2016 Edited
Wow, you're quick. I thought this would take a while and I was going to wait – looks like I'm late xD

Dr.Jeet 27 Oct 2016
.Ds_store file to install is mandatory????
as in every folder it comes?
Shade 27 Oct 2016 Edited
.DS_Store are usually hidden files which do not affect any plugin's functionality. They're just junk files automatically created by Macs.
Entity 8 Nov 2016
This is an amazing addition to MyAlerts. I think it's important that users are notified when action is taken on their content. Thank you.
Dr.Jeet 9 Feb 2017
Is there any setting after activation/
i cant see any setting in Admin panel.
Shade 9 Feb 2017
Being an extension to MyAlerts, settings are added to MyAlerts' settings page.
Jopie likes this post