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Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I announce that I cease all development and activity in the programming universe indefinitely. My career has reached the turning point I was not expecting for at least another year, leaving me highly off guard and without laid-out plans for this hobby's continuity. I have begun a 5-year residency program in Neurosurgery which is clearly not compatible, time-wise, with programming.

I gave in all my passion for developing, and you gave me back your loyalty and trust, even when I did not deserve that much. Now it is the time for payback. I release all my present and past work as Open Source software, in the hope some talented developer will continue maintaining and expanding my vision of a modern, sleek forum software. The intrinsic flexibility of MyBB is the true hidden gem of an otherwise outdated codebase; I do hope the project can continue and be updated complying to the latest coding standards.

I hereby thank Euan, kawaii, andrewjs18, Ben, Matt, Omar G., effone, Eric J., Devilshakerz, Wildcard, JordanMussi and all the other team members I have had the opportunity to work with when I was a MyBB team member. I thank Tomm M, my mentor, who inspired me to pick up coding with his piece-of-art plugins. And finally, I thank all of you MyBBoost subscribers who have helped me getting through my toughest university years economically.

Yours sincerely, Filippo

User paid with paypal, but haven't received an upgrade

25 Nov 2019 Edited
This issue is marked as solved

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ProX 27 Nov 2019
What is your URL @ProX? I'd love to see what you have done to customize...

Mine is:
RocketFoot (27 Nov 2019)
Something like this
[Image: image-549.png]
RocketFoot 27 Nov 2019
Nice! Looks GREAT!
Shade 27 Nov 2019
Please add the final list where object identifier should be removed as I highly customized templates
ProX (27 Nov 2019)

These should be "$this"-free. Your page looks great btw! Good job!
ProX 27 Nov 2019 Edited
Btw shade how you created your upgrade page as you are not using description html field for those items, because your description is way different.
Shade 27 Nov 2019
The whole upgrade page here is a table made in bankpipe_subscriptions. I do not use item's description as the HTML table element doesn't allow me to create a column for each item. It's far more complicated as my theme is advanced, but here's an example so you can understand:

The final $subscriptions resolves to bankpipe_subscriptions_subscription for each of them (in my case, 3). I've designed it to hold just the "Buy now" button, without any extra metadata which I manually included in the table layout.

This fits most use-cases IMHO. If you are using more than 3-4 subscriptions, using a table layout is messy. I'd use a row per each subscription instead of columns.
ProX 27 Nov 2019
Table is not a good approach, it's way better to use a flexbox.

But the thing is how you generated different names + no / yes checkmarks, those are not dynamical, its just html right?
Shade 27 Nov 2019

I know tables are not the best option, but my framework allows me to use them consistently, and so do I.
ProX 27 Nov 2019 Edited

I know tables are not the best option, but my framework allows me to use them consistently, and so do I.
Shade (27 Nov 2019)
In my case, doing so is repeating per every upgrade 3 buttons. in total 9 buttons. :/

I'm using divs, so there is no way to fit in 3 separate html boxes this $subscription

Can i request a small hook into html description so we can use $period and $username ?
Shade 27 Nov 2019 Edited
Html description by design cannot hold variables. I can see if I can make it do so, but I'm not too sure a simple eval() can do it. Btw, I don't understand your config. Mind to paste your bankpipe_subscriptions_subscription template? Included in code tags please.
ProX 27 Nov 2019 Edited
<div class="flexbox">
<div class="shadow_{$subscription['name']}">
<div class="subitem_{$subscription['name']}">
<div style="bg_margin_{$subscription['name']}">{$subscription['price']} $</div>{$subscription['name']}</div>
<div class="button_{$subscription['name']}">
<div style="text-align:center;">
<a href="usercp.php?action=cart&env=bankpipe&add=1&bid={$subscription['bid']}" class="bankpipe-item button fastCheckout" data-action="add">Add to cart</a>
Now i could basically copy / paste html of all 3 items and add button only to subscriptions_subscription in bankpipe_subscriptions , but how to fit the {$subscriptions} inside 3 of those:

<div class="flexbox">
<div class="shadow_{$subscription['name']}">
<div class="subitem_{$subscription['name']}">
<div style="bg_margin_{$subscription['name']}">{$subscription['price']} $</div>{$subscription['name']}</div>
<div class="button_{$subscription['name']}">
<div style="text-align:center;">
<a href="usercp.php?action=cart&env=bankpipe&add=1&bid={$subscription['bid']}" class="bankpipe-item button fastCheckout" data-action="add">Add to cart</a>
<div class="flexbox">
<div class="shadow_{$subscription['name']}">
<div class="subitem_{$subscription['name']}">
<div style="bg_margin_{$subscription['name']}">{$subscription['price']} $</div>{$subscription['name']}</div>
<div class="button_{$subscription['name']}">
<div style="text-align:center;">
<a href="usercp.php?action=cart&env=bankpipe&add=1&bid={$subscription['bid']}" class="bankpipe-item button fastCheckout" data-action="add">Add to cart</a>
<div class="flexbox">
<div class="shadow_{$subscription['name']}">
<div class="subitem_{$subscription['name']}">
<div style="bg_margin_{$subscription['name']}">{$subscription['price']} $</div>{$subscription['name']}</div>
<div class="button_{$subscription['name']}">
<div style="text-align:center;">
<a href="usercp.php?action=cart&env=bankpipe&add=1&bid={$subscription['bid']}" class="bankpipe-item button fastCheckout" data-action="add">Add to cart</a>