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Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I announce that I cease all development and activity in the programming universe indefinitely. My career has reached the turning point I was not expecting for at least another year, leaving me highly off guard and without laid-out plans for this hobby's continuity. I have begun a 5-year residency program in Neurosurgery which is clearly not compatible, time-wise, with programming.

I gave in all my passion for developing, and you gave me back your loyalty and trust, even when I did not deserve that much. Now it is the time for payback. I release all my present and past work as Open Source software, in the hope some talented developer will continue maintaining and expanding my vision of a modern, sleek forum software. The intrinsic flexibility of MyBB is the true hidden gem of an otherwise outdated codebase; I do hope the project can continue and be updated complying to the latest coding standards.

I hereby thank Euan, kawaii, andrewjs18, Ben, Matt, Omar G., effone, Eric J., Devilshakerz, Wildcard, JordanMussi and all the other team members I have had the opportunity to work with when I was a MyBB team member. I thank Tomm M, my mentor, who inspired me to pick up coding with his piece-of-art plugins. And finally, I thank all of you MyBBoost subscribers who have helped me getting through my toughest university years economically.

Yours sincerely, Filippo

How to install

21 Sep 2016 Edited
This is the official documentation with all the info you need to install, configure and use MyFacebook Connect correctly.

Minimum requirements

PHP 5.4
MyBB 1.8.0. MyBB 1.6 is supported as long as you add the global_intermediate hook to your global.php file. However, I no longer give support to users with MyBB 1.6
cURL with https protocol support
mbstring extension
Port 443 opened on your server's behalf

Port check

MyFacebook Connect is equipped with a port check. You do need port 443 to be open in order for this plugin to work: a notice will be fired if the connection test returns false. You can still install the plugin by clicking on the dedicated install button which appears in the notice, but if you encounter odd problems like expired tokens which don't let you use the plugin, you might relate to this note. Open your server's 443 port, or ask your host to open it for you.

1. Set up the Facebook Application

First of all you need to create a Facebook application with some basic configuration options.

1. Create the app

Open this link and click on the Add a new app button.

[Image: VYXVY42.png]

You will be asked to fill in a name for your application and a contact email, after which you will be presented a security check.

[Image: u9a5vEj.png]

2. Activate the Login with Facebook platform

You will be asked to activate a product. Select Facebook login > Set up.

[Image: 8mfknhz.png]

Select Web in the upcoming page.

[Image: vBPPpJB.png]

Fill the Site URL with your board's URL without the final index.php. A final trailing slash can be added but it is not necessary. Press Save > Continue.

[Image: Y4bjoZA.png]

Click on Skip or Continue in the next 4 steps. They are instructions to set up a Javascript-based application which is not used by MyFacebook Connect.

3. Adjust settings

Proceed by clicking Facebook login in the menu on your left and add in Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field your fully qualified website's URL. For example, MyBBoost's website url is

[Image: ylEG5Vl.png]

Following a recent Facebook update you must add 5 redirect URIs for MyFacebook Connect:
  • YOURBOARDURL/myfbconnect.php?action=login
  • YOURBOARDURL/myfbconnect.php?action=do_login
  • YOURBOARDURL/myfbconnect.php?action=register
  • YOURBOARDURL/usercp.php?action=myfbconnect_link
  • YOURBOARDURL/usercp.php?action=do_myfbconnect_link

Replace YOURBOARDURL with your fully qualified board URI. MyFacebook Connect uses "Board URL" setting to build URIs, so ensure you are using the one you have entered in your board's preferences. Beware: the protocol MUST match the one you are using. and ARE DIFFERENT URIs.

4. Enable the Application

Last but not least, open the App Review panel from the left menu.

[Image: 7pnTrV0.png]

Enable the application by switching the Yes/No button at the top ("Make [YOURAPP] public?" YES!). Facebook will ask you to select a category for your business, select one you feel is more appropriate and Confirm.

[Image: M1kdT0g.png]

Extra. Submit items for approval

Facebook requires some permissions to be submitted for approval. This means that, although you may still be able to use MyFacebook Connect at full potential, you might need to be reviewed by Facebook before using certain data points (bio, birthday, location and website). I won't talk about this in details, since the procedure is guided by Facebook's website, but I feel an overview is mandatory.

While staying in App Review page, click on Start a submission.

[Image: 2JqzImD.png]

Here's the 4 permissions you've got to select:

[Image: s6PBI5K.gif]

In the end, you should see this screenview:

[Image: E9Mk93F.png]

You must complete your application with an image 1024x1024 in size and a Privacy policy URL. When you have everything they request, you can start submitting your app for review by writing down detailed instructions to log in into your board with Facebook and how do you plan to use those data you are requesting the review for. I would recommend specifying that you will use the data to enrich the user's experience by completing their forum profiles; Facebook should approve them most of the times.

2. Upload files

Download MyTwitter Connect and upload all the files you find in the package to your MyBB root, which is likely where you have put all the MyBB files (easier to say, the folder where the file global.php is in). All of them are required for MyTwitter Connect to work flawlessly, so ensure you retain the same file and folder structure.

3. Install the plugin

Open your Admin Control Panel and, within the Plugins section, Install & Activate MyFacebook Connect. An attempt to edit header_welcomeblock_guest template will be made in order to add the login button. Modified themes may not be modified by the search and replace routines. In this case, read How to configure to know how to manually add the login button.

4. Configure the plugin

As you may now notice, if you try to login clicking the button in your Forum's header the plugin will return an error. This is because you need to add Facebook tokens to MyFacebook Connect's settings. They are both long alphanumeric strings which are required for the plugin to exchange data between your board and your Facebook application.

Open Facebook Developers and copy your application ID and Secret. Paste them into MyFacebook Connect settings.

You're done. Now you can use MyFacebook Connect to login and register through Facebook!

You can now continue reading How to configure to enrich your experience with MyFacebook Connect.
DellyOrhan 1 Nov 2016
Thank you so much!
stefan72 6 Jan 2017
Fatastic. Thank you. Worked out of the box. Love those well written isntructions.
punksinatra 17 Mar 2017
I maybe stupid or doing something wrong..

The file structure of the zip file I downloaded looks like this..

Inside the archive is a folder named "myfacebook-connect"

Inside that folder are 3 folders and 1 file

I have installed/uninstalled several plugins for a bit and I know:

1. files inside the images folder go to mybbroot/images.
2. files inside the inc folder goes to mybbroot/inc

Now the archive I downloaded contained 2 folders. One is myfbconnect with a myfbconnect.php file and another one is inside inc/plugins named "MyFacebookConnect" with a myfbconnect.php file

where does the folder and file "myfbconnect" go to? in mybbroot/ directory? because I tried that and I cannot activate the plugin it says the plugin is not installed or something.
Shade 17 Mar 2017
You need to maintain the exact structure. The myfbconnect folder goes to the root of your MyBB forum (where the "index.php" file is located, to be clear), same goes for myfbconnect.php. inc/plugins/myfbconnect.php goes to the inc/plugins folder, same for inc/plugins/MyFacebookConnect folder.

Most FTP clients allows drag and drop operations with automatic merge of folders/subfolders, so I'd go with them.
punksinatra 17 Mar 2017
Hmm that's weird.. yeah I maintained the exact same structure basically I uploaded the zip file and extracted it as it is... I see the plugin in and when I try to activate it I get the error..

hmmm let me try again then
Shade 17 Mar 2017
You are probably encountering a PluginLibrary missing error. PluginLibrary is a requirement, you can download it from:
punksinatra 18 Mar 2017
Yeah thanks or that got it installed now.
Lorne Adams 10 Sep 2017
is there an issue with requiring verified fb accounts?
I signed up to facebook with a mobile number and verified it but i am rejected everytime when clicking on "sign in with facebook" saying that i am not a verified user.
Shade 11 Sep 2017
Hi, this has already been reported and fixed in the current development version. Here's the commit. You can apply it on your MFC copy, or you can download and install the current development version from GItHub.